Northern Groups Reject NBS Crime Report, Citing Bias and Flawed Methodology

The Coalition of Northern Groups (CNG) has rejected the recent crime data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), which reported N2.23 trillion in ransom payments and an estimated 51.89 million crime incidents between May 2023 and April 2024. 

The CNG criticized the report as “misleading, manufactured, and biased,” claiming it unfairly portrays the North as a region overwhelmed by security challenges. 

The group questioned the report’s methodology, citing a lack of transparency and detail regarding data collection and sampling. 

They argued that the figures, particularly those for the North West and North East, are exaggerated and inconsistent with the improved security situation in many communities. The CNG called on the federal government to address genuine concerns through practical solutions rather than relying on what they deem “sensationalized data.”

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